Nov 8 2013 Traveling the world to chronicle septuagenarians, octogenarians, and even a few centenarians, photographer Sky Bergman is in pursuit of standard-bearers who are living life to the fullest. Bergman aims to marry photography and the life stories of everyday senior citizens with the launch of her project, Lives Well Lived. The idea of a well-lived life is often characterized in obituaries or the past tense, but this project is current and forward thinking, serving as an opportunity to inspire the younger generation with older generations who have found the fountain of youth and want to share their discovery. Meet three San Luis Obispo County residents in their 70s, 80s, and soon to be 90s: Rachael Winn Yon, 78 Terminally optimistic Ken Schwartz, 88 Architect, educator, civic leader Dr. Lou Tedone, almost 90
Happiness is a state of mind. |
May 2015